Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022 is out

Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022 is out

Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022 is out now. Any candidates who are interested in this post can fill this form. Recently, through the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Vacancy 2022 in the Rajasthan Government, recruitment has been taken on around 10000 posts. For those students of Rajasthan state who are computer graduates and computer diploma holders, recruitment has been done for the posts of instructor and their notification has been issued. Any candidate who is interested in the Rajasthan computer teacher vacancy in 2022, is from the last date. First fill this form, to fill this form, your prescribed educational qualification should be fulfilled and all kinds of information about the application process, last date and educational qualification etc. information is given below. The notification of Computer Teacher Vacancy 2022 has been issued through Rajasthan Staff Selection Board, you can get complete information by visiting its official website.

Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022

Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Vacancy 2022 in Rajasthan Board has recently released around 10000 vacancies. In the table given below, you are being given information about department name and total post etc.

Post namecomputer teacher
total postApprox. 10,157
salary7th pay scale
Department nameRajasthan educational department
Application ProcessOnline
LanguageHindi, English
Organization nameRajasthan public service commission
Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022

Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022 :- Syllabus

  1. Common aptitude , Expressions & Culture, History, Geography, General Science and Current Issues of Rajasthan. General Fitness incorporates the taking after topics:-
  2. Consistent Thinking and Explanatory Ability
  3. Common Mental Ability
  4.  Choice Making and Issue Solving
  5. Essential Numeracy – Numbers and their Relations, Orders of Greatness etc. (10th level) 
  6. Information Elucidation – Charts, Charts, Tables, Information Adequacy etc. (10th level)

सामान्य योग्यता, कला और संस्कृति, इतिहास, भूगोल,

राजस्थान के सामान्य विज्ञान और करंट अफेयर्स।

सामान्य योग्यता में महत्वपूर्ण विषय:-

(i) तार्किक तर्क और विश्लेषणात्मक क्षमता

(ii) सामान्य मानसिक क्षमता

(iii) निर्णय लेना और समस्या हल करना

(iv) मूल संख्या – संख्याएं और उनके संबंध, परिमाण के क्रम आदि। (10 वां स्तर)

(v) डेटा इंटरप्रिटेशन – चार्ट, ग्राफ, टेबल, डेटा पर्याप्तता आदि। (10 वां स्तर)

Paper 2 Points are as following

  • Pedagogy
  • Mental Capacity: Choice making and Problem-solving. Information Elucidation, Information Adequacy, Consistent Thinking and Explanatory Capacity, Major improvements within the field of Data Technology.
  • Information Translation – Charts, Charts, Tables, Information adequacy etc. (10th level)
  •  Basics of Computer: Number framework, math operations, presentation to different categories of computer dialect, utilitarian subtle elements of Input and Yield devices.
  • Programming Essentials: C, C++, Java, Dab Net, Fake Intelligence
  • Machine learning, Python and BlockChain
  • Essential Numeracy – Numbers and their relations, Orders of Size etc. (10th level)

पेपर 2 अंक इस प्रकार हैं

  • शिक्षाशास्त्र
  • मानसिक क्षमता: विकल्प बनाना और समस्या-समाधान। सूचना व्याख्या, सूचना पर्याप्तता, सुसंगत सोच और व्याख्यात्मक क्षमता, डेटा प्रौद्योगिकी के क्षेत्र में प्रमुख सुधार।
  • सूचना अनुवाद – चार्ट, चार्ट, टेबल, सूचना पर्याप्तता इत्यादि। (10 वां स्तर)
  • कंप्यूटर की मूल बातें: संख्या ढांचा, गणित संचालन, कंप्यूटर बोली की विभिन्न श्रेणियों की प्रस्तुति, इनपुट और यील्ड डिवाइस के उपयोगितावादी सूक्ष्म तत्व।
  • प्रोग्रामिंग अनिवार्य: सी, सी ++, जावा, डाब नेट, नकली इंटेलिजेंस
  • मशीन लर्निंग, पायथन और ब्लॉकचैन
  • आवश्यक संख्यात्मकता – संख्याएं और उनके संबंध, आकार के आदेश इत्यादि। (10 वां स्तर)

Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022 :- Qualification Criteria

Education qualification for computer teacher – 12th pass and Graduate from Computer Degree / B.sc.

Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2022 :- important dates

Rajasthan computer teacher vacancy 2022 apply online starting date – Tentative in Sep. 2022

Rajasthan computer teacher vacancy 2022 Last date of application form – Tentative in Oct. 2022

how to become a computer teacher ?

Apply online for computer teacher vacancy in govt or private sector, here you can receive daily update for regular and upcoming vacancies in computer teacher jobs.

how to apply for computer teacher in rajasthan ?

Go to given website https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/ link given below to apply for computer teacher vacancy in rajasthan.

how many form fill in computer teacher ?

Over 10 lakh form received in computer teacher vacancy 2022.

how to become computer teacher in government school ?

Every year central govt. published notification for computer teacher in central schools, state govt also published notification for computer teacher vacancy, you can apply for both if you want to become a computer teacher government school or computer teacher in private school.

how to become computer science teacher ?

If you want to be a computer science teacher you have to qualify all eligibility criteria then after submit your resume to all private schools for computer science teacher vacancy.

how to apply for rajasthan computer teacher ?

Go to Rajasthan portal of all govt vacancies or click on given website (https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/) for apply in computer teacher recruitment 2022.

how to fill computer teacher form ?

Computer teacher form 2022 soon officially announce on official website of Computer teacher bharti page.

how to become a computer teacher in govt school ?

If you want to be a computer teacher in govt school you have to fulfill all qualification that are required in computer teacher vacancy 2022. after that you have to wait for upcoming vacancies for computer teacher, follow this page to receive any update about computer teacher vacancy.

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