Animal Husbandry Loan Scheme Apply Online

Animal Husbandry Loan Scheme Apply Online

Animal Husbandry Loan Scheme – The Government of India is providing animal loans to the cattle rearers of the country and to the people living in villages and animals through various institutions and banks and it has been doing this for a long time. If you are also interested in animal husbandry loan Scheme and want to take loan for your cows, cattle and other animals, then you can inquire in banks and other government institutions. Often you must have seen that money is required to get and purchase all the housing and other living places of the animals, to fulfill whose needs the government always takes care and cooperates. Through this, the government has taken a scheme here through which the cattle roarers will be provided loans for animal husbandry loan scheme through banks and will mainly help the cattle roarers of rural areas in increasing their income and will eliminate unemployment.

Benefits of taking animal husbandry loan

For animal husbandry and fisheries, the government has provided the facility of KCC, through which the bank is providing Animal Husbandry loan schemes to its customers for loans up to Rs. 200000 and at 7% interest, in which you do not have to keep any security for loans up to Rs. 200000. Along with this, you have also been given personal road accident insurance coverage and an amount of Rs. 300000 has also been given as a grant in the form of 3% interest.

Disadvantages of taking animal husbandry loan

How to get Animal Husbandry Loan?

Other schemes run by the Government of India

  • National Programme for Dairy Development
  • Rashtriya Gokul Mission
  • Live Stock Health and Disease Control
  • National Animal Disease Control Programme
  • Livestock in
  • Census and Integrated Simple Survey
  • Dairy Infrastructure Development Fund
  • National Live Stock Mission

Baroda Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Kisan Credit Card (BAHFKCC) Scheme

You will get a loan of Rs 12 lakh for animal husbandry and 50% discount.There will be no processing fee for total runs up to Rs 3 lakh and interest will be earned as savings. Free personal accident insurance of Rs. 50,000 will be provided and no penal interest will be charged up to the limit of Rs. 25,000. Simple interest will be applicable till the due date of default.

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