India post GDS recruitment 2022 has relesed a notification regarding postmaster and dak sevak post, eligible candidate can apply for the above post. here we provide all information regarding this vacancy. India postal circle job in various state of india are mainly devided in 2 categories like BPM and ABPM.

India Post GDS online recruitment for 38926 Post
India post circle released a notification for 30926 Post in post office departiment all over india vacancies are in all cities and state like- rajasthan, andra pradesh, maharashtra, delhi, uttar pradesh, madhya pradesh, kerela, telangana, odisa, jharkhand, bihar, haryana, punjab, himachal, jammu khasmir and west bengal, interested and eligible candidate who willing to this job can apply online for india post gds recruitment for 38926 Post. candidate can apply online on official website of india post –, from 2/5/2022 to 5/6/2022. on india post gds website. Post office Notification based on official advertisment are given below you can check all information regarding age, qualification and eligibility criteria for GDS recruitment 2022.
Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Post
State name | total vacancy |
Rajasthan | 2890 |
Uttar pradesh | 2518 |
Assam | 1143 |
Bihar | 990 |
Delhi | 60 |
Haryana | 921 |
Chattisgarh | 1453 |
Maharashtra | 3426 |
Gujrat | 1901 |
Telangana | 1426 |
Karnataka | 2810 |
Uttarakhand | 353 |
West Bengal | 1963 |
Punjab | 969 |
Kerala | 2603 |
Jharkhand | 810 |
Himachala pradesh | 1207 |
Tamil nadu | 4810 |
Jammu kashmir | 465 |
Madhya pradesh | 4274 |
Nagaland | 50 |
Total | 38926 |
- BPM (Branch Post Master)
- ABPM (Assistant Branch Post Master)
Candidate have passed 10th class examination from recognized board of india/ state government/ union territories.
candidate have compulsory knowledge of Local language. and also elective subject upto 10th class.
Candidate should be…
- minmum 18 year
- maximum 40 year
- Starting date of online application form – 2 may 2022.
- Last date of online application form – 5 june 2022.
- BPM – 12,000 Rs. per month for 4 Hours
- ABPM – 10,000 Rs. per month for 4 Hours
- General / OBC – 100/-
- For all other categories – Nill
i am from maharashtra i want to apply
Post office
Post office bpm
plz ludhiana nearest
Plz job me
Hi sir ,madam angonabadi job post chAi please help me 10 pass
I am entrest
GDS post job
12th 39age
Hlo sir plz job dedo
12th huwa
Indian Post vacancy kab aayegi
Thank you
I am try for new job
Have a government job