Salary for primary school teacher

Salary for primary school teacher

Salary for primary school teacher – Friends, in today’s article we will talk about the salary of the teaching staff in primary school. If you have also been appointed to the post of teaching staff in primary school or are applying for the post of primary teaching staff, then you will also be curious to know what is the salary for the teaching staff.

salary for first year primary school teacher

State wise primary school teacher post salary in 2025
RajasthanPay grade 2600 Level-2 In hand 26,800/- per month
Uttar pradesh (UP)Pay grade 2400 Level-3 In hand 23,800/- per month
BiharPay grade 2200 Level-3 In hand 22,800/- per month
MaharashtraPay grade 2800 Level-2 In hand 30,800/- per month
DelhiPay grade 2800 Level-2 In hand 30,800/- per month
GujratPay grade 2400 Level-3 In hand 24,800/- per month

salary for head of primary school

In primary schools, the head staff is paid more salary than the primary staff. The head staff gets the salary of the principal and vice principal. According to level 06 and level 08, currently in 2025, the head staff is paid 10 lakh annual salary.

starting salary for primary teachers

Below is information about the salary of primary teachers in primary schools in major cities of India.

primary school teacher in metro citiessalary approximate per annul
Mumbai5-6 Lacs per annul + DA+TA+HRA other allowance
Delhi5.5-6.5 Lacs per annul + DA+TA+HRA other allowance
Patna4-5 Lacs per annul + DA+TA+HRA other allowance
Kolkata4.5-5.5 Lacs per annul + DA+TA+HRA other allowance
Jaipur4-5 Lacs per annul + DA+TA+HRA other allowance
Hyderabad 6-7 Lacs per annul + DA+TA+HRA other allowance

Salary for Primary school teacher and benefits

If you get selected for a government teacher’s job, then it provides lifetime job security and improves your financial condition. Pension and retirement benefits are given separately. Gratuity is given in it. You are given maternity and paternity leave, educational benefit is good and loan is given for the education of children, house loan is also given.

what is the salary of primary government teacher ?

The work of teaching children from class one to class five is being done through primary schools under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, advertisements for the recruitment of primary teachers in primary schools in villages, towns and urban areas were published in 2025 and in this regard, the salary is currently being given to primary teachers in 2025 as per level six, teachers in government primary schools are being given salary by the Education Commission after completing the probation period.

Top 10 Countries Offering Highest Teacher Salary in 2025

If we talk about the 10 countries where teachers are paid the highest salary in primary schools, then the following countries are given below where government and private teachers get the highest salary.

salary for primary school teacher in new Zealand75000$ Annual
salary for primary school teacher Ireland 84000$ Annual
salary for primary school teacher UK82000$ Annual
salary for primary school teacher in Australia78000$ Annual
salary for primary school teacher in Dubai 72400$ Annual
salary for primary school teacher in Singapore 76400$ Annual

In terms of salary, the highest salary is given in Luxembourg, followed by Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, Turkey, Sweden, Spain, Scotland etc., which give the highest salary to primary teachers. Currently, Luxembourg has the highest salary of around 71647 US dollars for a primary teacher.

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