hero wars chapter 14 path of madness – The word Path of Magnet describes the ninth mission if you want to defeat it then you will need special heroes, the community will not support you and some tips will also keep spinning around you, with the help of which you can win by manipulating all these words. We’ll share with you how you can beat and defeat this dangerous mission. hero wars chapter 14 path of madness popularity day by day increased in recent time. hero wars 広告

what heroes do you need ?
You will need the most skilled hero who will be Cornelius who will play your full supporting role as well as be your left hand, this will be the leader of a team that cannot be stopped When the first web of highness comes, Cornelius will be effective to stop it.
Tips for Beating the Path of Madness in Chapter 14
The most important thing to note is to quickly wipe out the Priest of Sea Peacock as he can heal his allies and companions faster so to stop that healing you have to kill him for this to work The best hero to hunt down You can also use Luther Corvus Cleaver and jhu if necessary. The second wave doesn’t have the Priest of Simar and you can manipulate your characters although we recommend that you try Cornelius and the Faceless Keep Both Charged With This Trick You Can Kill Third wave List Of Seymour. if you really like hero wars chapter 14 path of madness in this era then you can share you experience below the comment section. hero wars ダンジョン
hero wars chapter 14 path of madness
Hero wars main storyline was central to the campaign. It is divided into 15 chapters in the browser and 13 on mobile. It was released with the iOS and Android versions, which have gained much fame in Western countries. About 50 different heroes are shown fighting while defending the Heroes Annual Friend Games Community Hero Ward 14 featuring seven heroes now including Astro Tha Mar Tha Aurora Lord Krishna Karak and Joe Organ