Jharkhand Ration Card 2021 Beneficiary List Status Check

Jharkhand Ration Card 2021 Beneficiary List Status Check

Jharkhand Ration Card 2021

The ration card is one of the essential documents, which you can use in any place, in form of the citizenship. In the language of layman, the ration card is that card that is used to buy commodities, at a low price. The price of the material depends on which type of card you acquire. People will get the commodities at that price, which was decided by the government, and it varies from state to state. The type of card you will get is according to your income criteria. There are three types of cards, which is available, which are given as:

  1. P.H Ration card – for physically handicapped people
  2. AAY – for economically weak people
  3. Green ration card for BPL people

Overview of Jharkhand Ration Card

Here is the brief essential information, about the Jharkhand Ration Card, which is following:

Name of the SchemeJharkhand Ration Card
launched ByFood and Consumer Welfare Department
Who can get the Benefit?people of Jharkhand
Main PurposeTo provide the food commodities at the lowest prices to the needy people,
Mode of ApplicationOnline / Offline
Article CategoryJharkhand Government Scheme
Official web portalaahar.jharkhand.gov.in

Eligibility Criteria for Jharkhand Ration Card

Before applying for the application form of the Ration card, the candidate must go through the eligibility criteria, which are as follows:

  • The person who are above 60 years, and not getting any services from the central or the state government, are eligible for it.
  • The women who are not employed, or not getting any help from any resources,
  • People who suffered from any disability criteria, it should be 40 percent or above,
  • The primitive tribe’s members are not allowed to apply for the Ration card.
  • People who are suffered from any diseases like HIV, cancer, leprosy, or any other incurable disease, or not employed anywhere, are eligible for RC.
  • All the beggars and the housewives
  • One who belongs to the Below poverty line category is eligible for this RC.
  • The Families who opt for irrigation land more than 5 acres or 10 acres of dry land are not eligible
  • The families who acquire four-wheeled vehicles are not eligible.
  • If the candidate acquires 3 or more room with having paved roof in the house, cannot apply for the RC.

Document Required for Jharkhand New Ration Card

We arrange all the documents in one place, so it would be easy for you to assemble all of them at a time. After arranging the document, you can fill the application form. The list is as follows:

Proof of the residentialAadhaar Card submitted as identification proof
Passport size photos used as a verification proofCopy of Bank passbook shows the financial status
Yearly Income certificate, helpful to get the type of the cardPhoto ID evidence of your whole family members-used family as a verification proof

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